The 11th International Junior Koi Show was held at Ojiya Gymnasium on 20-21 April.

Mr. Benedict Campos and his dealer Tategoi House in Philippine did it again!

Mr. Campos won the Grand Champion and Second Grand Champion at the same time this year too.


This show was started to feature the small beautiful koi, entry size is up to 36cm.

Anyone can challenge the show even if you don’t have the big pond to keep koi.


Show results here (Nishikigoi Shinkokai)

Back issues on International Junior Koi Show

10th International Junior Koi Show — Issue 823, 825

9th International Junior Koi Show — Issue 801

8th International Junior Koi Show — Issue 777, 778

7th International Junior Koi Show — Issue 729

6th International Junior Koi Show — Issue 705

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